Question: Are you more at home hiking in the woods or riding on the subway? Taking the stairs or the escalator? Having a sweaty workout or watching a hockey game on TV? Shoveling snow or checking your e-mail? Give reasons why you prefer either the physical or the sedentary.
Answer: I personally prefer a more physical lifestyle compared to a sedentary one. A day spent in the pursuit of physical excellence, is a day better spent than one in which a individual tries to attain the perfect tan. Although the sedentary way of life is much more peaceful, it doesn't seem to come with a sense of accomplishment after each day. How could a sedentary person honestly say they enjoy life, as they watch it run past them on the backs of physically minded?Also, common sense would dictate that a lifestyle spent mostly in motion, would be healthier than one spent mostly in immobility. In a world where most teens are obese or fat, can we as a society really afford to be sedentary? Sadly, the answer is no. If our youth grow so fat, they die at a younger age than the previous generation, and this age of death gets younger and younger, will the human species even survive another generation?
Such a valid point A, and I think that we try as parents and teachers to encourage a physical lifestyle in general. However, sedentary people do seem to think it their right to have that sort of a lifestyle even though it's true it is unhealthy and an eventual burden to society. Oooh an ethical dilemma perhaps?