Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Our Inquiry Question

Throughout the novel "The Wars", by Timothy Findley, numerous modern day issues are presented  via fast fast paced, beautifully worded language. So the task of finding one inquiry question was quite difficult. For hours the group I'm in debated at  least hundreds of possible inquiry questions. Everything from the prevention of rape, all the way to helping out the mentally and physically disabled, and even preventing animal abuse. Then we decided on our inquiry question. As soon as we wrote it down, the words seemed to leap out at us, pleading, pleading, for the opportunity to be chosen. I can now say with pride that my group's inquiry question is: "how can we prevent the daily abuse of animals?" The perfect inquiry question. Simplistic and too the point in wording, and it proposes a problem that is extremely evident in our novel. Animal abuse appears so frequently in "The Wars", that it's almost scary. Horses being burned alive, and rabbits slaughtered simply for outliving their deceased owner, is just a fraction of the abuse that appears in this book. So we think our inquiry question is very appropriate.

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