Sunday, 20 November 2011

Letter of Appology from Adela Strangeworth by: Ari Neville, Block:D, English 10

Dear citizens of my Beloved town:

Three generations of Strangeworth’s have lived in this graceful town, protecting and serving it through the rough times and the pleasant times. For many a year I’ve carried on in the tradition of my forefathers, treating this town with the upmost respect, gracing it with the beauty of my rose garden, and uplifting people with kind words and actions. In short, I want nothing but the best for this town, and once I saw evil in the eyes of people who were once kind, I knew I had to react quickly. Evil is venom that lies in the hearts of man, spoiling their souls and making them do bad deeds. It is a Venom that must be treated before infecting others. I put this task upon myself, the removing of the venom, and  I carried out the operation without thinking about the consequences.         

I want you all to know, that I’m not angry at the young man/woman who destroyed my rose garden, you are forgiven.  What I did to protect this town from evil was extreme, and I can see how it can be misinterpreted as an act against the people of this town. Although I’m sorry for what I did, I want everyone of this town to remember that evil must be something to guard against, as it still lurks in the hearts of man. Again, the people of this town must remember that the letters I wrote were to protect you not to harm you, I simply wanted to help. Roses will always grow again, but the people’s feelings I’ve hurt might never be mended again. I’m sorry.

Again, I hope you all can find it in your hearts to forgive me for I’ve done. As someone who knows this town very well, I know we will bond as a community and settle our differences, and come to a resolution. Sincerely I believe that my love for this town and its people is greater than the hate I’ve created; I hope the people of this town can see that. Remember the good times, and think of me. 


Ms. Adela Strangeworth            

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